Go Plastic-Free this July

Go Plastic-Free this July

Approximately 8 million pieces of plastic end up in the ocean every day. Will you help to change this?

Read on to find out where to shop plastic-free, and simple changes to reduce your plastic waste.

This month at NEMI Teas, we’re supporting Plastic Free July, an initiative introduced by Australia’s Plastic Free Foundation. This now-global movement was started in 2011 to work towards a world free from plastic waste.

Plastic-Free July challenges us all to refuse single-use plastics throughout the month of July. These small everyday changes to our lifestyles can make a big difference in reducing the amount of plastic in our oceans and ecosystems overall.

Zero Waste Shops

Supermarket packaging contributes significantly to the amount of plastic waste. Some of our favourite places to shop without plastic packaging include:

The Source Bulk Foods - multiple London locations

Art of Zero Living - Greenwich Market, London

The Refillery - Edinburgh & Canterbury

Gather - Peckham, London

Re: store - Hackney, London

Roots, Fruits & Flowers - West End, Glasgow

Don’t forget to bring a container or reusable shopping bag to carry your purchases home when you visit.

Plastic-Free Tea

Did you know that most tea bags are sealed using plastic glue? When these tea bags are brewed, millions of microplastics are released into the cup, then into our bodies and water supplies.

We are passionate about reducing plastic waste as much as possible. We have made sure that our products and packaging are completely plastic-free, as well as compostable and biodegradable, using plastic alternatives Neo Soilon and Nature Flex™. Switch to NEMI Teas today to support an independent tea brand that doesn’t contribute to plastic pollution - shop here.

Join the Plastic-Free movement now!

Just simple switches like changing your cleaning products to refillable bottles or purchasing a reusable coffee cup make a tiny step towards a greener planet (we recommend businesses like smol and KeepCup).

The Plastic-Free July website has listed all of the things you can do at work, school, home and in your community to reduce your plastic use. It might feel as though you’re not doing much, but no difference is too small.