Tea to start the day

Tea to start the day.

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Where there is tea,
there is hope.

At NEMI Teas, we believe our tea is a tea of hope. 

We are taking you, the everyday tea drinker, and bringing you into a story of change and hope. With every sip of our premium loose leaf tea, you are helping us change journeys and lives of people all around London by helping refugees in to employment.

There are many things in life that become habit. The things that we do without even thinking about it. Many in this world start their day by walking into their kitchen. Here they choose a cup of tea to get their morning started. Maybe they consider the flavour and make a slight change, yet, the majority of the time they will stick with their favourite choice. 

They drink their tea, and they move on to the next part of their day. Simple as that.

However, we believe that our story and our tea are strong enough that every time you sip through a cup of NEMI Teas, you will be reminded of the hope you are helping to inspire. The potentially habitual cup of tea transforms into a hopeful cup of tea.

Because of NEMI Tea drinkers, there are lives of refugees being totally transformed from having no hope to being hopeful all across the city of London. These people are itching for a chance to get to work and support themselves and their families. By drinking our tea, you get to join us in their special and beautiful story of a new chance at life again - read more about our beginnings.

So, we urge you to wake up. Wake up and start your day with NEMI Teas. Wake up and start your day with a tea of hope.

ProductsPranav Chopra