2023 - it’s time to change the way we consume!

2023 - It’s time to change!


In this hectic world of climate change we need more ways to reduce, reuse, recycle to lower our impact on the world.

Here at NEMI Teas we are always looking at ways to combat this - so when we were launching our teabags there were 2 key aspects we had to meet:

  • 100% plastic-free teabag

  • 100% compostable

So how did we do it?

A lot of research went into this and we found a fully compostable teabag material called NeoSoilon. NASA Corporation launched NeoSoilon® in January 2020, a mesh filter for teabags made from 100% non-GMO sugar cane, establishing the world’s largest stable supply system of non-GMO plant-based filters.

So that was one component - the next was the glue adhesives that most conventional brands use to attach the teabag, the string and the tag together – the material is called polypropylene, a sealing plastic that keeps the teabags from falling apart. This plastic is not recyclable or biodegradable and can leave micro plastics in your cup of tea!

Scientists stated in the journal of environmental science and technology that one plastic tea bag releases around 11.6 billion microplastics and 3.1 billion smaller nano-plastic particles into the cup. Those, in turn, end up in the drinkers digestive system.

Instead, our NeoSoilon teabag is fused together using ultrasonic - this also works for the string and tag. So that means your NEMI Teas teabag can all be placed into your green waste and will decompose into its constituent parts (carbon dioxide and water) within 3 months in a “controlled composting environment” (an industrial composting facility, heated to 140°F and surrounded by plenty of digestive microbes).

So when you’re looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the world, dig a little deeper to see just how your products are being made. A simple change of the teabags you use can have a huge impact on the environment - one cup at a time!

And don’t forget, with quality tea that we offer at NEMI Teas, you can get more than one brew per teabag. The average tea bag can have 3 steeps - so put the kettle back on!

Reference : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.9b02540#