


We take our responsibility to protect your privacy very seriously. That’s why we promise to never release your personal information to any third party company for their mailing or marketing purposes when you make a purchase on our website, or sign-up for NEMI teas marketing.


When you shop on our website we collect information relevant to your purchase. This allows us to send your order, contact you in relation to your order (for example if your order is lost, an item is out of stock, payment hasn’t cleared etc.) and to pass your payment information onto our processing partners PayPal and Stripe. All of this information is stored securely and we comply with all applicable data protection and consumer legislation.

We use data analytics tools to segment customer data and target marketing to customers who have opted-in. This is so we can send you relevant information if you’ve opted-in, rather than information you might not be all that interested in. Our ability to target continues to improve over time, so the information you receive will continue to improve in relevance. We also use this information to help us understand who our customers are and how to market to new potential customers.

You may contact us at any time to request a copy of all data and information we hold on you as a customer. You may also contact us to amend or update your details at any time by emailing us on

You have a right to be forgotten and as such we’re able to remove all of your personal information from our records. We can’t remove your orders, items purchased and values as we require these for historical accounting, but your personal affiliation with these orders will be anonymised and all of your personal information would no longer be held by us.


When you access our website we will use cookies. Cookies are tiny text files that identify your computer to us. This helps us personalise our website to your best interests. Without cookies we wouldn't be able to recognise you, make recommendations, update your basket or allow you to automatically update previously added information. Cookies enable us to make any purchases you make on our website quicker and easier. Cookies cannot read any other information that may be stored on your hard drive, or access any other information about you, or people who may use your computer. Only NEMI teas can access the information provided by these cookies.